Foreign Attacks on US Commercial Information and Technology Continues to Rise
Cyber threats are currently the top issue on the minds of the Senate Armed Services Committee. This only intensifies an already growing concern surrounding attacks on our commercial information and technologies, something the electronic component distributors and buyers have long been aware of.
Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Committee is aware of it too. While recently speaking out against cyber attacks from China he had this to say, “We had an investigation at the Armed Services Committee, which proved that millions of parts that were counterfeited in China got into our weapons system, millions of parts, and that they’re counterfeited openly in a city in China, out on the street, where our older computers sent back to China, disassembled, parts cleaned, new numbers put on them, and then result as new.1”
Lintech Components has been dealing with the problem of counterfeit parts for many years now. It led us to develop our own Component Authenticity Protection Program (C.A.P.P),™ our zero tolerance proprietary counterfeit avoidance program. We use reliable in-house testing to ensure that our customers will not receive substandard products or counterfeit parts. As long as the counterfeiting of electronic components continues, Lintech Components will continue to invest in our quality assurance process and help to keep electronic counterfeit components out of the electronic supply chain.
1. "Cyber attack poses major threat to US-China relationship: Levin." The Economic Times 19 March 2013