Coils and Transformers
Technical Characteristics
Thread Class
2a single group
Thread Direction
right-hand single group
Overall Length
9.005 inches nominal
Overall Width
3.560 inches nominal
Inductance Rating
1.00 millihenries nominal single component 2nd winding
Input-Output Phase Relationship
three phase to three phase single component
Mounting Facility Quantity
6 single group
Winding Operating Current
1.6 amperes dc nominal single component 2nd secondary
Winding Operating Current
4.0 amperes dc nominal single component 3rd winding
Winding Operating Current
5.0 amperes dc nominal single component 1st winding
Winding Operating Voltage
250.00 dc millivolts nominal single component 3rd winding
Winding Operating Voltage
4.15 ac volts nominal single component 2nd secondary
Thread Series Designator
unc single group
Reliability Indicator
not established
Overall Height
3.220 inches nominal
Inductance Rating
1.00 millihenries nominal single component 1st winding
Inductance Rating
500.00 microhenries nominal single component 3rd winding
Frequency Rating
400.0 hertz nominal single component
Inclosure Type
hermetically sealed
Mounting Method
threaded stud single group
Rating Method
electrical single component all winding
Winding Function And Quantity
1 primary and 2 secondary single component
Nominal Thread Size
0.164 inches single group
Winding Operating Current
3.0 amperes dc nominal single component 2nd winding
Winding Operating Current
3.2 amperes dc nominal single component 1st secondary
Dc Resistance Rating In Ohms
Winding Operating Voltage
1.20 dc volts nominal single component 2nd winding
Winding Operating Voltage
1.50 dc volts nominal single component 1st winding
Winding Operating Voltage
19.40 ac volts nominal single component 1st secondary
Winding Operating Voltage
208.00 ac volts nominal single component single primary
Terminal Type And Quantity
36 solderless lug