Oscillators and Piezoelectric Crystals
5955 - Oscillators and Piezoelectric Crystals
Technical Characteristics
External Ac Operating Voltage In Volts
210.0 minimum 3rd voltage
Signal Voltage Rating Per Channel
125.000 volts interstage preset
Frequency Per Channel
2.0 kilohertz maximum 2nd operating channel err-100
External Ac Operating Voltage In Volts
105.0 minimum 1st voltage
Identification Designator
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
60.0 maximum 4th voltage
Basic Shape Style
rectangular or square
Overall Length
19.000 inches nominal
Shock Resistance Rating In Gravitational Units
not rated
Impedance Rating Per Channel
10.000 kilohms input channel err-100
Impedance Rating Per Channel
800.000 ohms 5th output channel err-100
Signal Voltage Rating Per Channel
4.000 volts interstage preset
Circuit Construction Type
any acceptable
Signal Voltage Rating Per Channel
12.500 volts interstage preset
Average Life Measurement
not rated
Frequency Per Channel
200.0 hertz minimum 2nd operating channel err-100
Inclosure Type
Individual Section Quantity
Operating Temp Range
not rated
External Ac Operating Voltage In Volts
125.0 maximum 2nd voltage
External Ac Operating Voltage In Volts
250.0 maximum 4th voltage
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
60.0 maximum 3rd voltage
Attenuation In Decibels
not rated
Overall Height
7.000 inches nominal
Operating Control Method
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
60.0 maximum 2nd voltage
Frequency Per Channel
20.0 kilohertz maximum 3rd operating channel err-100
Impedance Rating Per Channel
2.500 ohms 2nd output channel err-100
Indicator Device Type And Quantity
2 meter
Impedance Rating Per Channel
80.000 ohms 4th output channel err-100
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
50.0 minimum 3rd voltage
Vibration Resistance Range In Hertz
not rated
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
60.0 maximum 1st voltage
Control Type
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
50.0 minimum 1st voltage
Frequency Per Channel
200.0 hertz maximum 1st operating channel err-100
Maximum Continuous Operating Time In Hours
not rated
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
50.0 minimum 2nd voltage
Frequency Per Channel
20.0 hertz minimum 1st operating channel err-100
Signal Voltage Rating Per Channel
40.000 volts interstage preset
Distortion Type And Percent
1.0 frequency
Signal Voltage Rating Per Channel
400.000 volts interstage preset
Connection Contact Type And Quantity
4 receptacle, power external
Impedance Rating Per Channel
800.000 milliohms 1st output channel err-100
Overall Gain
not rated
Average Power Rating Per Channel
200.0 watts output
Overall Width
15.250 inches nominal
Maximum Operating Altitude Rating
not rated
Installation Design
top of cabinet/counter
Frequency Per Channel
2.0 kilohertz minimum 3rd operating channel err-100
Connection Type And Location
receptacle, power rear
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
50.0 minimum 4th voltage
Frequency Adjustment Type
Impedance Rating Per Channel
8.000 ohms 3rd output channel err-100