PEI 8829
Coils and Transformers
PEI 8829
Technical Characteristics
single component 2nd secondary
Winding Operating Current
300.0 milliamperes ac maximum single component 2nd secondary
Maximum Operating Temp
155.0 deg celsius
Winding Function And Quantity
1 primary single component and 2 secondary single component
Inclosure Type
fully inclosed
Body Length
0.900 inches maximum
Reliability Indicator
not established
Mounting Method
terminal single group
Winding Operating Current
200.0 milliamperes ac nominal single component 1st secondary
Input-Output Phase Relationship
single phase to single phase single component
Body Outside Diameter
1.250 inches maximum
Frequency Rating
15.0 kilohertz nominal single component
Terminal Type And Quantity
13 wire lead
Winding Operating Voltage
52.00 ac volts nominal single component single primary
Winding Operating Voltage
5.98 ac volts nominal single component 1st secondary
Maximum Transformer Power Rating
30.0 watts single component
Winding Operating Voltage
5.54 ac volts nominal single component 2nd secondary and 20.04 ac volts nominal single component 2nd secondary and 18.33 ac volts nominal single component 2nd secondary and 7.25 ac volts nominal single component 2nd secondary and 25.58 ac volts nominal