NSN: 5950-00-232-3804
Coils and Transformers
Technical Characteristics
Reliability Indicator
not established
Frequency Rating
380.0 hertz minimum and 420.0 hertz maximum
Maximum Operating Temp
170.0 deg celsius
Winding Tap Location
multiple taps w/center tap
Winding Operating Current
0.4 amperes dc maximum
Winding Operating Current
1.0 amperes dc minimum and 7.0 amperes dc maximum
Winding Operating Voltage
106.00 ac volts minimum and 120.00 ac volts maximum
Winding Operating Voltage
31.50 ac volts nominal
Winding Operating Voltage
320.00 ac volts nominal
Winding Operating Voltage
67.00 ac volts nominal
Terminal Type And Quantity
20 tab,solder lug
Input-Output Phase Relationship
single phase to single phase
Winding Shielding Method
internal shield grounded to core and brought out to terminal
Winding Function And Quantity
1 primary and 4 secondary
Winding Tap Location
center tap
Winding Operating Current
0.9 amperes dc maximum
Winding Operating Voltage
9.80 ac volts nominal and 19.95 ac volts nominal and 179.95 ac volts nominal and 189.10 ac volts nominal and 198.90 ac volts nominal
Special Features
all currents are stated as rectified